That’s how Canterbury City Council has named its — wait for it — Local Development Framework Core Strategy Consultation (LDF).   Quite a mouthful indeed!  You can check it out in detail on their website at   In it the Council outlines how it sees the Canterbury District developing by 2026.

Now how does our initiative to save the Westgate Hall and foster community fit into this picture?

In the section, The vision for our district, the point, Improving our green economy, includes

being sensitive to specific needs of our different communities and protecting our heritage assets,

while Creating sustainable communities, states the intention to ensure that

development is located in accessible areas to reduce congestion and improve air quality, offers good travel links, matches the housing market needs and links communities.  We will protect and enhance our open spaces and natural habitats.  And importantly we want to encourage community involvement and well-being through protecting, enhancing and improving access to good quality community facilities.

Surely, then, a community centre at the Westgate is a natural extension of this thinking.

PS:  You can post your views of the Council’s proposals until 12 March, 2010.  Go to to see the different ways you can do this.